
As I already prepared in my first post, I would like it to be continually noted throughout all my posts: This is a place for opinion based responses based on educational background of licenses and certifications and work experience. I do hope to provide a good service but I am by no means your doctor. Any and all medication advice should be addressed with your physician. I'm just here to give you the extra details.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Resignation Follow-Up

I guess at this point with the last blog, its going to be hard to follow up on it. There are a few things that many people have drifted from and appears that there needs to be I guess a better quality and distinction on why I shared my story in the first place. 

I actually have many blogs and always enjoyed telling my personal story and sharing with others. Whether on this blog its about medicine and health or just sharing my personal life. That is a power of free speech. We can say what we want and feel. Some may agree and some may disagree as you could tell on my last posting. I have now turned on comment moderation at this point, but I didn't for the last one because I wanted the public to see what I've been confronted with since posting about my resignation from Visalus.

I'm glad to see the out pour of support is now mostly positive than negative. I have come across many security issues with my family where people are actually threatening to hurt my family though. I've had multiple people now trying to take my identity. Even as far as twitter. Which by the way, I am not on Twitter so whomever your following is not me. People like to throw up lawsuits at me; well as advised many times: I have always had a disclaimer for my blog, then there is that whole free speech thing so its not going to happen people so I'm sorry that you maybe disappointed in that. Secondly, please note if you don't already understand that taking a persons identity is a Federal Offense. 

I've been in the pharmaceutical industry for over ten years. I am a wife and a mother to five amazing kids. Two are on the Autism Spectrum and one with ADHD. I may have my pharmacy sales license, but I've always just worked in Hospital Pharmacy whether surgical or trauma not Sales. My career and life will always be dedicated to helping others, saving lives, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. That will never change. 

I shared my story. My opinion. Didn't think my life was so debatable. I will like to say thank you though because this Simple Mom of five is now connected with people I never thought I would be. I'm not going to lie, there are tons of companies coming to me for advice, product structure and questions on ingredients. You all made me a person that is more respected in a community, so I thank you for that. 

I wrote on my Facebook today the following:
It can be scary thinking about losing everyone... But it's more scary to lose yourself. There is thinking about some things....and then there is just doing it. 
 I lost people whom I thought was my friends. I have been shunned from a community where I used to love and promote. I've been told directly that whether or not I find mold/bacteria in the products that Visalus wouldn't look into or even do a recall. That was what was scary for me. Nobody is perfect. Even food and medicines that just thought of contamination is pulled and recalled to PROTECT the consumers. 
 At this point, it will all come into the open soon. CBC, the CDC, the FDA......their hands are in Visalus now. Best of luck to those that run your businesses. I don't hate Visalus. Just learned that they are not for me. I wish those of you in Visalus the best but at least do yourself a good service. Look more into what Vi-net says or what your leaders say. You don't have to be a scientist to do a little research. 
You have a right to agree and disagree. But the personal attacks is just showing lack of integrity, morals, and disrespect for the company you support and for what you personally stand for. This is not debatable. This is not a wave to send attacks. This is basically reminding you that everyone is different and believe in different things. With every product, food, medication: There will be a grey area. There is not one thing out there that is perfect for everyone. 
If you would like to make contact with me please do at the following:
Thanks again......... :)