
As I already prepared in my first post, I would like it to be continually noted throughout all my posts: This is a place for opinion based responses based on educational background of licenses and certifications and work experience. I do hope to provide a good service but I am by no means your doctor. Any and all medication advice should be addressed with your physician. I'm just here to give you the extra details.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kasich vs Mental Health. Educate yourself before you vote.

Primary elections are being held now for many political offices. My state, Ohio, aka the heart of our Nation and with our motto: "With God All Things Are Possible" stands as the state to win over as the final key to name a new President.

So why am I'm sharing information on a election on a Health Blog? Because.....I'm here to inform you of things you may not be aware of in the world of your health and health of others around you and this election today in Ohio, this information is beyond crucial for you know if you haven't done the research.

I'm not at all using this as a platform to say hey, go vote for this person or that person and not this person. This is just some education that you may not even thought to look into. I do have a personal story to share which lead me to do even more research but I think especially today it is crucial for you to know
Ohio Governor Kasich has been in office here for quite some time. He has done a lot for our state. There is a lot of good there. He has been one of the very few Governor's to provide not only a finished and timely budget for our state but a balanced one every year since being in office. That in itself is an impressive feet due to the rest of our nation struggle to meet this goal. Unless you are personally affected by this, you wouldn't think to look into really what he does with each budget. Well.....I looked. I saw where the money has went and where it was taken from to create that balance for the State of Ohio from his political and personal standing.

I was lucky enough to be invited to a private event where Kasich was at a few years ago under representation of the Licking County Sheriff's Office on behalf of my mother. She knew I had to attend because I needed to talk to him. I did. with his political posse behind him and taking pictures and drinking champagne, he greeted all of his guests and spoke with us. After introducing myself I didn't hesitate on getting straight to the point. My question was, "Why is it that every single time you have provided a finished budget for our state have you pretty much demolished and removed almost all the aid for the mental health program?'......his response: "We shouldn’t use society funds for individual needs.”

This response has stayed with me. It hits me personally due to having a special needs child and my constant fight to get aid, research and assistance to help make her grow. Some people are born with a mental illness. Other's obtain mental illness due to life situations and circumstances, environmental changes, military allegiances, etc.
Mental illness isn't just one specific category. It has a range. A spectrum. It affects everyone differently. EVERYONE. So for Kasich to say this is an individual issue and not one as a society, his view is a Black/White one. Having this stand on this view affects every single issue we have as a Nation. If you don't understand the spectrum of mental health then how can you help with Gun Control in the right way? Refugees? Women's Rights's? Terrorists??? You can't. Our military serve our country and because of what they do on behalf of our country they see things, do things and deal with things that create many medical problems for them but the biggest issue is PTSD. Guess what? PTSD is a mental health disorder.

So please tell me again how is it a man that is striving to hold the most powerful position in our Nation, Our Society, say and prove over and over that mental health isn't an issue for him to even care about be able to take that position??? You can't.

You can take a look for yourselves at the budgets and his standings on this issue. Its all there in black and white with his signature and him standing behind it.

Ohio is the key state. Allowing him to win this primary, my state? This is more than a primary. We determine who takes that office. So don't just go vote today to vote. Voting is a right and it is up to you to use that right to vote with as much education and knowledge you can have.

Mental health affects us all. So With God all things are possible. It is possible to have more research and cures and ailments for mental health. We won't get that with Kasich. Just because he is Ohio's governor do not allow him to win this state. Don't take my word for it either. Look for yourself.