
As I already prepared in my first post, I would like it to be continually noted throughout all my posts: This is a place for opinion based responses based on educational background of licenses and certifications and work experience. I do hope to provide a good service but I am by no means your doctor. Any and all medication advice should be addressed with your physician. I'm just here to give you the extra details.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pills and Weightloss


American's are over-weight. We make great food but its filled with so many things that are just not good for us. People really don't get the hint let alone the understanding of eating certain foods in moderation and of course how to exercise. Drug companies of course have found medications that have been thrown out into the world to those wanting that quick fix to help their over-eating patterns. There are some good supplements to help people get on the path of losing weight but when it comes to a pill, there comes side effects.

Before you go and hunt down a doctor to write a script for these medications, here is some things you may not know about these drugs:

Now there are four main types of weight loss medications. 1. Amphetamines/Stimulants 2. Appetite Suppressants 3. Absorption Blockers 4. Over-the-counter (diuretics, mild stimulants, laxatives)

Example of this would be Adipex-P

Drugs in this classification work by increasing metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the more calories you burn when doing anything physical. The Pros of this would be a rapid weight loss and a noticeable effect. This of course is great for those that have struggled with diets and don't see any immediate changes. Without that immediate change, people tend to give up their diet plan because they don't see it working. The negative side of this drug classification will be a possible dependence to it. Higher risk of hypertension, nervousness and insomnia. There is a restriction on the length of use of this medication because the "therapy" is limited by federal and state laws. You have to have a prescription for this and be under a doctors care. This is not sold over the counter and please don't purchase it from the internet. This is supposed to help you start your weight-loss journey. Not something you go to because you just want 10lbs gone or you just feel like eating anything you want and this is your back up plan. 

Appetite Suppressants
Example of this would be Meridia

The purpose of this medication is to give the body the feeling of being full so you don't over eat. It increases levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine which is the feeling of satiety. This isn't addictive which is a great thing and it helps with the control of eating response. The bad side of all of it is that you will be in need of it for a long period of time. Meridia specifically will mimic the side effects that are seen in Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil which means lack of sex drive, lack of emotion, anger issues and depression. There are also multiple drug-drug and drug-disease interactions. 

Absorption Blockers
Example of this would be Xenical

This works by decreasing absorption of dietary fats. Benefits include no effect on the nervous system and it will positively affect cholesterol levels. So need for Cheerios!! Haha! This can also aid in glycemic control so diabetics may find positive changes let alone break free from their disease. With all the pros there are the cons which includes nutritional deficiencies from blockage and non-absorbed fats have to go somewhere which means the yucky stuff (diarrhea, flatus, and leakage) 

Over-the-Counter Medications
This will include diuretics, mild stimulants and laxatives

Here are your easy access medications. You don't need your physician involved so these are the most commonly used. You can find some that will slightly increase metabolism (e.g. caffeine), those that produce diuresis (shredding of water like Diurex) and laxatives (e.g. Senna). Some of these produce a quick result. Best for those that just have annoying water weight or just 10lbs to lose to get the results they want. Realistically most of these medication only provide a short-term effect. They can also cause dehydration/electrolyte imbalances with chronic use. Repeated use of laxatives will screw up your bottom to the point of creating the need to always have to go number 2. There are also cardiovascular effects with high doses of caffeine. 

Overall the best method to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise. You have to do both. If you have weight issues then you kinda want to look at changing your life style because what your doing isn't helping you. If you choose the medication route then do discuss options with your doctor. Even with all the over the counter medication you need to talk with them. There is another weight loss "medication" that I will go over here soon that doesn't really fit in this breakdown. If you have any questions or want more info then let me know! 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your not a Pharmacist??

There has been many times where people would call me to want to interview me for Pharmacist positions. Its flattering and then also its kinda disappointing. First I think that I've impressed them with my quality of work I've chose to do. Then it goes to letting them know that I don't have a pharmacist license. Every time I say that part though they ask why not? Then I don't I really have an answer for them.

When I started in Pharmacy, I absolutely loved everything about it. I kept researching all areas of it to get all the background that I do have in it. I did all that, because I never thought the opportunity for me to actually focus on schooling as tough as Pharmacy school would ever be in the cards. 

My life was dealt to me when I was 18. I became a mom that young and I met my husband, I fell in love with almost two years before that. Our family is now the size of 7. I have five amazing kiddos. My husband is a "blue collar worker" whom I love and respect. I chose love and family before I did anything for me. They are my purpose and will always be first. I've been slowly working on my degree while trying to find opportunities to work around our schedules. Things have been really great and then there are those times when its really hard. It just happens that way. Dedication of hours to study, let alone be in a classroom, plus pay the bills and tuition while trying to figure out new tires for a car and private school for my Autistic daughter doesn't seem fair. So I pushed it aside and tried to find a degree that I could make work....while pretty much just wasting my intelligence. 

I'm not trying to sound conceited or into myself. Please don't think that. When I look in the mirror and self reflect, I get down on myself because I know I could be more and offer more then what I do. I don't think I can make something work so I make excuses for it or say nothing at all. 

I did though finally get the support I've needed for a long time.  I've just changed my major yet again (with 5 classes left to graduate with) to a major that will take me to the Air force Commissioned Officer Academy where I will then continue the path to my Doctorate of Pharmacy. Best damn schooling/training/leadership ability out there. I will have the opportunity to give to myself and give to my family all at the same time. This next year and half will be hard....hell even the military part will be even worse. There is though one thing for sure that will be happening and that will be my dream. I don't want to settle for something when I know I'm capable of more. 

So take this as a personal update. ;)