
As I already prepared in my first post, I would like it to be continually noted throughout all my posts: This is a place for opinion based responses based on educational background of licenses and certifications and work experience. I do hope to provide a good service but I am by no means your doctor. Any and all medication advice should be addressed with your physician. I'm just here to give you the extra details.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Battle of the business of healthcare.

Everyone has a stitch that they didn't want. We are all broken in different ways. Me? Well....currently really broken. Its all about finding YOUR way again. Or even a whole new direction. Nobody is perfect. This is LIFE.

This whole shamble of people literally battering one another has reached its point of end. Hell, even beyond that at this point. Wondering what I'm talking about? MLM. Its a a cutthroat business. Most people forget why they are in it or don't even care because of their pay-grade.

I want to share a story.  A true one of course. When I am mentoring, teaching, or training anyone in Pharmacy land or in the hospital at all they always hear my perception on how I take on my job. A way to get to know me and also a huge lesson.
"Whether your sweeping the floor, cleaning up puke, making and traveling with meds, or doing the most stupid, boring, tedious project ever......YOU are still apart of every patient we take care of. Their lives are dependent even in your hands. I don't' need people that think its just a job. Not thinking their spot is important. You have to understand and respect what you do and what you take from knowing and feeling all of that I promise it will be the most rewarding experience. You saved lives that day because you did your job right, on time, and no errors.  You know the purpose, so respect it. Honor it"

That story was to hopefully trigger some type of emotion. This attacking of MLM companies after another to degradable levels has just has to stop. It shows no form of integrity for what you do, the company your represent and your identity.

Yes there are thousands in the industry that are there for the $$$$. But there are even more that are in the health/fitness/nutrapharmaceuticals industry. Its a mission that they have. Maybe you are that person that just loved the product and that extra income per month was just a nice treat. Then there are those that are just truly passionate about their product, their customers/patients and the purpose that they are creating. Believe it or not in this business in particular, part of your mission whether you realize it or not that you yourself our putting yourself in the position to save someones life. There is that mission. You have something that you believe in so stand behind it. Be apart of it. Things go wrong all the time. Companies screw up. Even huge medical errors have occurred. We all know it and seen it.

This industry is yes a business. But you also need to see that this is also healthcare.

My question to you is, what is more important?

I found something for me. I found something for patients and friends and family. So here I guess is my plug for what I do. What I'm passionate about. I'm here to help even if your looking at other companies or just looking for something I may not have. I've been lucky enough to develop and studying multiple other amazing companies and would love to share even their information with you.

I'm just saying I'm all on the same side if its about the health. Knowing your purpose and your mission. Health always overcomes money. You can't enjoy that money when you dead.

1 comment:

  1. Keep sharing...haters gonna hate...we know the truth.
