
As I already prepared in my first post, I would like it to be continually noted throughout all my posts: This is a place for opinion based responses based on educational background of licenses and certifications and work experience. I do hope to provide a good service but I am by no means your doctor. Any and all medication advice should be addressed with your physician. I'm just here to give you the extra details.

Monday, September 30, 2013

What is Tocotrienols?

A couple days ago, I put this as a status update on my personal Facebook page:

"I question everything. It's my nature. Whether it's my kids, their school, my family...my friends and even my work. I don't take "because I said so" as a final answer. I don't just look for the answer.....I find the correct answer. I get all the facts. I find all the evidence. It's what I am natured to do. Hate me if you want. But the point still remains I have the truth, I know the truth, and guess what? I can prove the truth. Don't be a follower because it's obviously seen. No one can hide from a mask of uncertainty. Not even me and that is why there has never been transparency with what I do or say. If you haven't figured that out yet by now of me. Here is your lesson of the day."

Whether you look at it as a lesson or not, this a huge description on why I do what I do when it comes to my work. People look at MLM companies as a way to have a career and an income. I look at them and their products and find a way to change the health for others. America is overweight and malnourished. We all know this. Only a handful of people are looking to change it or then there are those that look for that quick fix. There are no quick fixes people. There are things out to help but you have to do the work. 

I'm proud of myself for being able to help as many people as I have and I won't ever stop. I'm grateful for all these companies that have brought light to new products to share with the medical community. From a pharmacy standpoint, if we can change all those FDA regulated products to nutrapharmaceuticals then I would be heaven. Too many people are on too many medications and are dependent on them. They shouldn't be. There are so many healthy alternatives and I love finding them. 

Drug companies every year are creating more and more products for me to hate. The upside is that so is nutrapharmaceutical companies are creating more products too. Going back to Western and Eastern medicine is where we should be. Knowing a flower can help with inflammation, gluthoniane helps with muscle repair, and if you incorporate Kale and Protein in your daily food consumption it can change your health dramatically. You are what you eat. You are what you chose to put in your body. You are what you expose yourself to when it comes to environment and you are often compared and contrasted to the people you surround yourself by. 

I've come across a lot of new things that I can't wait to share. I'm waiting on the medical board to release a review my team of colleagues and I have been working on for a company called Kyani. If you would like to know more about that company, please let me know and I can connect you with a few amazing people. One in particular that I'm proud to call my friend is Scott Yamaguchi from Hawaii. You can check out him and all of the products from his website http://www.scottyamaguchi.kyanidistsite.com/index.html.  I'm not a representative or ambassador for them but I will fully vouch medically for their products. Just waiting, like I said to release my review. A small summary on what it is on is one of their products in particular. Created by Dr. Tan, Plus the TV Doctor OZ, had recommended Tocotrienols as the #1 miracle supplement of the year. My team and I have found that Tocotrienols help change the serotonin levels in the brain and helps slow down the synapses in the brain for cognitive development and help those that are suffering from any sensory processing disorder. The Tocotrienols are found in the Kyani Sunset. 

 Although this product helps with other things as well, I thought to push to see what the power of the tocotrienols would do in a brain of someone with Autism. Since my daughter is Autistic: finding things, healthy things and all natural substances to add to her diet is a high priority on my list. Even the creator Dr. Tan didn't even think to look at this in this way and I know he is eager for the full report as well.  


Tocotrienols and Tocopherols

"Several studies have shown that Tocopherols, particularly Alpha-Tocopherols, interfere with the health benefits of Tocotrienols. In one study, six groups of chickens were given varying levels of Tocopherols in addition to Tocotrienols. The chickens that were given little or no Tocopherols had the greatest reduction of lipids. The chickens given higher levels of Tocopherols actually increased cholesterol production. Additional studies have shown that Tocopherols interfere with cholesterol levels, absorption, and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Tocopherols have also been said to…
  • Block absorption
  • Compromise cholesterol reduction
  • Attenuate cancer inhibition
  • Induce tocotrienol breakdown/catabolism
  • Increase cholesterol in high doses
The annatto bush, an oily plant that grows in South America, is the only natural compound in the world that offers pure Tocotrienols without the accompanying Tocopherols. Furthermore, annatto Tocotrienol has the highest Tocotrienol concentrations with 150 – 300 times fewer Tocopherols than rice and palm sources. Only Kyäni Sunset™ contains annatto Tocotrienols, offering the most health benefits."

All of the above information is found on Kyani's website that are surrounded by the "", but I wanted to show you their breakdown and meaning of the product specifically when it comes to the Tocotrienols. 

In case some of you are wondering why I would speak about a product that I don't promote in the MLM industries that I am in, then you didn't get what I meant when I started this blog. I research EVERYTHING. If something grabs my attention and I can see a bigger purpose for it, I want to share with my readers. Being in the MLM industry myself, I get to see a lot of new products and learn about how they are created and their why's. I'm not about business here. I'm about giving you information that you may not know on products you maybe looking for. If there is chance to get you off of a routine FDA guideline medication to get on an all-natural product instead then I'm definitely doing my job right. 
I believe this product can make a huge difference in the Autism community as well as the SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) community. I can't wait to release the official review from the Medical Board. 

If you haven't already, subscribe to my blog postings. You can also communicate and reach out to me via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-Dosing-Drugs/199629780106700

I appreciate you taking the time to read today and remember I'm always here for questions. Plus if there are questions or you want me to write about a medication or anything healthcare/nutrition related: Please notify me! I've done a few for those that needed a breakdown on things and it is what I am here for! :) 

Also, I had a conversation with another company today about another product to look at for Autism and SPD. I'm excited to begin my studies on that as well and of course I will share the information! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

One of my school projects/ Health Care and IT

Since I am back in school and my classes pretty round out really what my blog is about, I might as well share my recent paper with you all. May give some insight on how the Health Care industry is under construction in more ways than one. So it maybe boring but here ya go! PS. I got an A. Ha.

Technology Article


Health care is constantly changing all over the world. Some places even have more advance modules and equipment that haven’t even yet made it to the states. One of the constants thought that have been underway is the changes on the technology of the use of certain computer software that is being used pretty much everywhere that provide health care services. The question is, has these advancements created an easier workflow atmosphere for medical professionals or has it hindered certain elements of patient care?


As noted in my introduction on the changes, or should I mention the quick changes that are taking place in the Health Care Fields all around is creating turmoil. Price pressures on the industry will get worse as health care budgets tighten, the emphasis will continue shifting to cost-effectiveness, and generic competition will increase. I see a response to that of the industry to be focusing less on community physicians and more on payers and key accounts. Basically looking at the Health Care system as a whole of what makes them the most money.

In my workplace I have felt this affect my department as well as watching affect others. Budgets are tightened to make sure that the departments that are already doing well financially will get certain programs as well as equipment while the other departments have to sit back and have things and people taken away.

Health-system pharmacist experience critical issues when it comes to the needs of patients and they are increasing, along with health care budgets are stretched thin and technology has the potential to significantly decrease the staff necessary to process medications for dispensing. This all in itself now aligns pharmacists to take over two roles: quality assurance of the medication dispensing process and direct accountability for patients’ drug therapy outcomes. One of the things that have helped over the past to help this issue is the transition of new health care programs that include sections for Pharmaceutical application to be used in conjunction with every medical professional in need to review a patient profile to help in the diagnosis and treatment for them.

After coming across an article that specified on federal loan fund programs operating through local nonprofits that can help make these promises to health care IT (Information Technology) becomes a reality for most health care workers. With anything, there has to be a large scale investment to help determine what would be the best method and what would be the usage dependent on the scale of the facility and practice. In this article it does mention the federal government has issued loan funding programs for this nature. I found this quote interesting in my reading, “Health care IT development has multiple aspects, but it is fundamentally a problem of community infrastructure development (Molly Joel Coye, 2003).

Everyone seems to be in agreement that IT is an influential method of use for all medical professionals but it seems to either be dependent on how large your pockets are or if you qualify for these forms of government programs even though the government believes that everyone should be using them. I use many pharmacy applications as well as other medical applications on a daily basis to help prevent medical errors along with keep track of my employees. I don’t see how I could do my job today with them. It is definitely sad to hear that not everyone has the opportunity to integrate these types of programs in their practice. I truly believe that these methods help saving many lives that we as humans that come with errors, we need assistance of these formats. I really hope one day that everyone will access to this structure and now reading this article, I am definitely thankful that so far in my career I have been lucky enough to work with them. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Still Sitting...Still Waiting....Still praying my heart out........

Well I guess I can give you an update from the last blog. It isn't much of anything at all. Joe completed his PET scan on Monday and today we literally are just sitting by our phones waiting. No matter how many times we call his doctor's office, they say they have the results but can't tell us until the doctor reads them and he has been overwhelmed with patients today. I get it. The guy is a doctor and he has to do his job...but us sitting here losing our minds on what can or could happen is beyond torture. So needless to say, "Sit..Wait..Pray.." is still underway.

When people go through hard times like this, the best thing to do is to be surrounded by the people you love and care about... True Friends and Family. It seems like over the past 10 days since we started this whole process of testing for Joe and learning the cancer is back, we have been really truly realizing what people actually care and who are pretending. Especially after getting a phone call from a drunken old friend of ours establishing that people that we thought were really good if not best friends are really just a bunch of liars, drama starters and they don't give a shit about whatever outcome we will have to go through. I should just delete them off my Facebook. We are already avoiding their calls. We don't need people pretending to give a shit when they are just going to go back to be around bad people and joke around about us and tell lies about how Joe and I are as people. Friends don't do that shit and I really hope that they read this. My message to them is that You suck. Your sick in the head. You chose to support a liar and cheater and think that they are some how better people than Joe and I even though that we have been around longer than they have. So in other words...Go to Hell.

I'm writing now not just downgrade but because of right now it is the only thing that is keeping my mind off of staring at my phone. I want to know the results of the tests they did on my husband but then again I don't want to know. Either way I can't function.

I do want to share with everyone that has been following this story about my family and that have been praying for us, I greatly appreciate you all. Its nice to know that there are still good people out there that care. Even strangers. I beg of you all if you can to continue your prayers until we hear something. I of course will share any news I get....whether bad or good. Plus I will take any advice that you may all to provide that some did on the last blog.

Today has pretty much been going in slow motion. Since we have been staring at our phones all day we also had an appointment to get Joe's life insurance policy started. Hell we don't even know if that will go through or not but again here we are praying that it does. No matter what happens too, our next step is to finally make our wills. Can I just say it really sucks being an adult?????

These decisions and everything we have been facing and with everything Joe and I have discussing is not something I thought we would ever had to deal with. Our love for each other has always been to share with watching our kids grow up and for us to grow old together and be happy. Life just keep throwing all this other crap our way and makes that future for us seem superficial which again....not fair at all.

Its currently 2pm EST and still no call from the Doc. Another thing that just isn't fair. FUCKING CALL ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. It make me feel a little better to do so when I do. I can't fix what is happening....all I can do is still is "Sit...Wait...Pray........................