"I don’t agree with children that are hyper being put on Ritalin before
exercising other options. ADD and ADHD were unheard of, just like
cancer, and other Illnesses that have presented themselves, when
processed foods did not exist. Children sit around watching TV and
eating foods that have no nutritional value whatsoever. Now we have a
huge problem and no one knows how to fix it. Because just like with our
doctors we trust the people who “process” our food to not add anything
that can cause illnesses.'"
No one likes the thought of having to daily medicate their child. Its not something a parent would like to have to depend on to have a normal day. With this response, you kinda hit a personal impact. It is your view to not agree with these medications, but to actually witness the benefits first hand when nothing else works then your perspective might change.
Learning disorders are being heavily diagnosed now. I don't think its because it just wasn't ever heard of though. Back in the day when parents would seek help with their kids it was usually just seeing if their kid was just an average one or the one that "rides the short bus". People avoided seeing doctors which didn't help with research behind it. Nowadays the research and studies are busting a move because more and more people are stepping forward with issues then they were before. Medication usage is much higher than it was before because of this. People are no longer afraid to say anything because it really is a lot more common then it used to be so parents no longer feel that shame that they didn't produce a normal kid.
I personally had to study a lot with disabilities. I never knew what Autism was until a Doctor told me that is what my daughter had. I've never medicated my autistic daughter. Studies of working with a Gluten Free diet helps change the toxin build up in Autistic children. It does make a difference. It does make a difference for any kid. Processed food, the stability of our environment, the pollution of our society, has created a world of new diseases and obese five year-olds.
My oldest daughter who is now eleven was diagnosed with ADHD/ADD at least five years ago. This year, we finally decided to intervene with medications. It took us awhile to find the right one but we did. It has made a HUGE difference in the way she functions, communicates, and her overall well being. Her school performance has literately did a 180 degree flip. Will she need this medication all of her life? I don't know the answer to that question yet. All I know is that my daughter feels great and her overall performance with everything is for the better. There are kids out there that don't need to be on anything though. I do agree with you on that.
So we have malnourished children that our lazy. Its a problem but its the parents problem. Last time I checked, I cook the food my kids eat. I am responsible for what they consume and what they do. You need to have your kids into sports so they get that extra activity. You have to encourage out door play and leave the video games and TV for rainy days. The problem isn't the kids is basically what I am saying. Its the parents. You ask my son what his favorite thing to do and he will say riding his bike or playing football.
Basically my stand is with everything is that everything that you do is up to you. You choose what you eat. What you drink. What you physically do on a daily basis. As a parent, you are responsible for what your kids eat, drink, and physically do. I'm really tired of hearing people blame companies for their lack of respect for themselves with education. Things do happen. Look at me, I am very educated with Pharmacology. I even took certain medications before that worked for me. 10 years later, they didn't. If I didn't catch what was happening, I could be dead because of taking those medications. Things happen sometimes. You can't control everything, but you can can control a majority of it. Another example of this that personal reflects on me is my health of what it was when I became pregnant with my first child. I went from daily exercising, eating around 1400 calories a day, to about 100lbs heavier, out of shape beyond belief and mentally a mess. Why? Not because I was pregnant. It was because I lived at McDonald's or Arby's. I did not eat one thing that was healthy for me and I avoided anything that involved moving. So...I learned a very hard lesson that took years to recover from. I am responsible for me. No one else is.
No one likes the thought of having to daily medicate their child. Its not something a parent would like to have to depend on to have a normal day. With this response, you kinda hit a personal impact. It is your view to not agree with these medications, but to actually witness the benefits first hand when nothing else works then your perspective might change.
Learning disorders are being heavily diagnosed now. I don't think its because it just wasn't ever heard of though. Back in the day when parents would seek help with their kids it was usually just seeing if their kid was just an average one or the one that "rides the short bus". People avoided seeing doctors which didn't help with research behind it. Nowadays the research and studies are busting a move because more and more people are stepping forward with issues then they were before. Medication usage is much higher than it was before because of this. People are no longer afraid to say anything because it really is a lot more common then it used to be so parents no longer feel that shame that they didn't produce a normal kid.
I personally had to study a lot with disabilities. I never knew what Autism was until a Doctor told me that is what my daughter had. I've never medicated my autistic daughter. Studies of working with a Gluten Free diet helps change the toxin build up in Autistic children. It does make a difference. It does make a difference for any kid. Processed food, the stability of our environment, the pollution of our society, has created a world of new diseases and obese five year-olds.
My oldest daughter who is now eleven was diagnosed with ADHD/ADD at least five years ago. This year, we finally decided to intervene with medications. It took us awhile to find the right one but we did. It has made a HUGE difference in the way she functions, communicates, and her overall well being. Her school performance has literately did a 180 degree flip. Will she need this medication all of her life? I don't know the answer to that question yet. All I know is that my daughter feels great and her overall performance with everything is for the better. There are kids out there that don't need to be on anything though. I do agree with you on that.
So we have malnourished children that our lazy. Its a problem but its the parents problem. Last time I checked, I cook the food my kids eat. I am responsible for what they consume and what they do. You need to have your kids into sports so they get that extra activity. You have to encourage out door play and leave the video games and TV for rainy days. The problem isn't the kids is basically what I am saying. Its the parents. You ask my son what his favorite thing to do and he will say riding his bike or playing football.
Basically my stand is with everything is that everything that you do is up to you. You choose what you eat. What you drink. What you physically do on a daily basis. As a parent, you are responsible for what your kids eat, drink, and physically do. I'm really tired of hearing people blame companies for their lack of respect for themselves with education. Things do happen. Look at me, I am very educated with Pharmacology. I even took certain medications before that worked for me. 10 years later, they didn't. If I didn't catch what was happening, I could be dead because of taking those medications. Things happen sometimes. You can't control everything, but you can can control a majority of it. Another example of this that personal reflects on me is my health of what it was when I became pregnant with my first child. I went from daily exercising, eating around 1400 calories a day, to about 100lbs heavier, out of shape beyond belief and mentally a mess. Why? Not because I was pregnant. It was because I lived at McDonald's or Arby's. I did not eat one thing that was healthy for me and I avoided anything that involved moving. So...I learned a very hard lesson that took years to recover from. I am responsible for me. No one else is.
Monica, I think it is great that you brought up the gluten-free diet to help autism. I talk to parents almost daily who have had great success with that diet. Many of them eliminate dairy and casein too. My heart goes out to these parents because it is a very hard diet to have a child on.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, I agree parents are responsible for what their children eat. However, it is hard for parents who are separated and one makes health a priority and the other feeds them bad foods that really shouldn't be on the shelf in the first place. Have you seen a daycare or school menu? Or the candy and pop machines that are in schools? Also, daycare will not change a child’s diet unless you have a doctor prescribe it. I was unable to get a doctor to prescribe a gluten-free diet for my 2 year old. She has eczema and I was doing an elimination diet in a desperate attempt to find the culprit. As you probably know eczema is usually caused by a food allergy. The doctor said wait it out and it MAY go away. Meanwhile my child scratches herself until she bleeds. I do not agree with putting a steroid (quick fix) on her skin daily because she will absorb 60% of it, which will suppress her immune system. I have attempted to see an allergist with no success. So, what do I do as a parent? I do not get to make all the decisions for my own child.
As I have stated before I am not against intervening with medication. I am against the “quick fix” where people do not (because they don't have to) exercise other options first. I know what I know because like you I have witnessed people completely turn around mentally and physically after changing their diets and making exercise part of their daily routine. I made the decision to put down my studies as a nurse for a couple years to work part time. I want to be home as much as I can in order to make sure my children are outside and eating right. I know many parents cannot afford to do this. I am lucky to have this option. I found that my child did not need medication. It was the food he was eating. Not candy, but foods you find on the shelves at the store that you think are healthy. I had to educate myself and start reading labels. Instead of the quick easy foods I started baking and incorporating as many raw foods in our diets that I could. Doing so has helped us all. Medications I was told I could not go off I went off of. I did not know I was capable of feeling so good. My fiancé dropped 22 lbs without starving himself. My children are doing great. I think people try to do what is best for themselves and their families. I just don’t think they know, because of false advertising, that most foods in the grocery stores are unhealthy. I shop around the store and stay out of the isles as much as possible.
I think the easiest way people can educate themselves is thru watching just a few great documentaries: Food Inc., Super Size me, and Killer at Large.
The aisles in the grocery store are definitely the worse place to be. People don't read labels which is dumb. I'm programed too. I have to check to make sure what I am getting is something my kids and I can have. It still all goes back to basically ignorance. People just look at fat free or low calories and they think that they are doing good....but their not. Relationships like a separtation of parents as you stated is definitely something that is hard. You have one parent doing everything and anything to help their child and the other could give two shits about what they do. It isn't fair...it isn't right. But what can we do?
ReplyDeleteAll my kids have sensitve skin and two of them have really eczema. Only when its horrible do I interven with a steriod but other then that its oatmeal and special soap. Its rough. The poor kids don't understand that scratching makes it worse and you feel the misery for them.
Everything is a battle, but it takes parents like you and me to set a good example for others. Educate our friends and family of good tips. People deep down know that if they just eat fruit and veggies and avoid processed food that it is the healthiest way but they still don't abide by it because chocolate donuts just tastes good.
Or the whole fat scare. Now that we have an obesity problem everyone is scared of fat. We need fat..essential fatty acids:) Our brains are made up of what, 60% fat? hello! That is why it helps people with AD(H)D and many other mental and physical issues. We need to avoid bad fat. The problem is most do not realize that there are good fats.
ReplyDeleteAlso, even if we all ate the good foods we still would not be getting sufficient nutrients because of all the chemicals that are sprayed on them. Or the fact that canned veggies and fruit have no nutrient value what-so-ever! Then we take them out and cook them even more? Cooking kills the nutrients!!I won't even begin to discuss how bad microwaves are:) I hate when people complain about the prices of healthy food. How expensive is it to buy fresh or frozen fruits and veggies, and then not use the electric to cook? In addition, if we all started buying organic healthy foods the prices would drop! I feel bad for our farmers. Now we have mass production of nothing but crap.
I would never jeopardize my health or my families for how good something taste. Getting through the withdrawals is difficult but definitely worth it in the end. After about a week the body will crave what it needs.